AI in the Energy Industry with NAECO Blue


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Digital Event „AI in the Energy Industry”

#Digitalization is an essential requirement for the fundamental #transformation of the #energy system. The use of #artificialintelliegence can help to derive information from a multitude of #data, to understand interrelationships, to leverage efficiency potentials and to implement targeted measures.
To give you a first impression of how this future technology is already being used today in the energy industry in northern Germany, we invite you to our event.

The following speakers will give short impulse presentations on AI projects:

Henning Schröer, Head of Asset Management, SWKiel Netz GmbH, energy supply in Kiel and region.
Felix Ollech, CEO, Naeco Blue GmbH, location specific feed-in forecasts for energy from wind and solar
Johann Olsen, CEO, IO-Dynamics, Intelligent energy and fleet management for electric vehicle fleets
Michael Hartke, CEO, clarifydata GmbH, Artificial intelligence for energy suppliers

Afterwards, there will be time for exchange and discussion. The event will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Michael Prange, Professor of Data Science, Kiel University of Applied Sciences.

Andreas Hennig, WTSH GmbH–73

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