Artificial intelligence for the power grid of the future


How grid operators can leverage intelligent data processing to actively shape the energy transition.

NAECO Blue delivers an important service for renewable energies as well as the power grids. Thus, Felix Ollech (CEO @ NAECO Blue) was interviewed and questioned as an expert for the umlaut study and whitepaper on „Artificial intelligence for the power grid oft he future“.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has long ceased to be a mere buzzword. Applications based on intelligent and learning models are increasingly finding their way into practice. From large online companies such as Google, Amazon and Facebook, to the finance and insurance sectors, the technology is also becoming increasingly relevant to more asset-intensive industries, which include the energy industry and, in particular, the operation of the power grid.

Decentralization and decarbonization, on the other hand, are leading to a paradigm shift that grid operators must address by transforming existing structures and practices. To provide an infrastructure that meets the requirements of a sustainable energy supply is the stated goal. In particular, the integration of volatile renewable energies and increasingly dynamic load peaks as a result of sector coupling must be taken into account.

In this light, our experts have investigated possible applications of artificial intelligence for grid operators as a potential tool for the success of the energy transition. With the aim of deriving recommendations for the use of AI, concrete use cases were identified and evaluated. In addition to the potential, the maturity of the respective application was also taken into account. In interviews with AI experts and system operators, the user perspective and the provider perspective with regard to specific use cases were also examined in more detail. With the help of the information compiled in this study, concrete areas of application of artificial intelligence for network operators are thus identified and success factors in implementation and operation are described.

Original: 20.10.2021