Neues Förderprojekt gestartet: AI-PowerMatch

Das Projekt AI-PowerMatch verbindet die Stärken lokaler Akteure, wie die regionale Stromversorgung mit innovativen Start-up Ansätzen im Bereich der Prognose von EE-Erzeugung und des Managements von E-Flotten, um gemeinsam eine zentrale Herausforderung der Energiewende gemeinsam zu lösen: Die effiziente Nutzung von Erzeugungs- und Netzkapazitäten im Stromnetz. Durch politische Unterstützung und gesellschaftlichen Wunsch werden eine große […]

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Night of AI in Lübeck

Hear Felix Mertens speech at Night of AI in Lübeck. Thursday 9th of November at 6:30pm. In the 2nd week of November, the week of AI takes place in Lübeck! We cordially invite you to participate in the „Night of AI“ on Thursday, November 9, 2023 from 6:30 p.m. in the Bauforum (Technische Hochschule Lübeck (TH […]

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Smart Country Convention 2023 in Berlin

Meet NAECO Blue GmbH at #smartcountryconvention in Berlin! The #smartcountryconvention #sccon23, which takes place from 7-9.11.23 in Berlin, is a must for all stakeholders who are actively driving digital change and advancing digitalization in our cities and municipalities. Felix Mertens will be at the convention on Wednesday the 8th and is free for meetings. Just […]

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Husum Wind 2023

What a blast!!!! HUSUM WIND day one comes to an end. The team of NAECO Blue GmbH (Myrna Herres , Rafael Suñé and Felix Mertens ) were nearly booked out and managed to gain some new leads for interesting development projects nearby and far away like Australia. Felix Mertens performed one speech and one pitch […]

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Husum Wind 2023

Only 14 days until the start of HUSUM WIND 2023! We will be present from September 12 to 15 (10:00 to 18:00, Fridays until 16:00) at the WTSH GmbH joint stand in Hall 3 Stand A20. Book an appointment with our CEO Felix Mertens or our weather data scientist Rafael Suñé now and benefit from […]

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