Gyde Jansen in the talk

At the beginning of the week, our CEO, Felix Mertens had the chance to meet Gyde Jansen, deputy chairwoman of the FDP parliamentary group in the German Bundestag, and her colleague Christoph Anastasiadis at the TZL and Gateway49! There was an active discussion about the innovative power and potentials of Schleswig-Holstein. Furthermore how the energy […]

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Validierung von Wettermodellen

Ein kleines, entscheidendes Puzzleteil zur optimalen Energienutzung Gemeinsames Projekt von NAECO Blue und dem KI-Labor der FH Kiel zur Validierung von Wettermodellen Die effektive Nutzung von erneuerbaren Energiequellen ist ein wichtiger Pfeiler zum Erreichen der Klimaziele. Wechselnde Wetterbedingungen wie Kälte, Regen oder Bewölkung haben allerdings einen direkten Effekt auf die regenerative Energieerzeugung und machen die […]

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Meet us at E-World 2023 in Essen!

Only 11 days until the start. E-World energy & water is a meeting place for the European energy industry. Every year, the decision-makers of the energy industry discuss innovative topics here.We look forward to welcoming you for exciting discussions from Tuesday, May 23, 2023 to Thursday, May 25, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. […]

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The Future Conference in Lübeck

Together with our #partners, Myrna Herres, Hauke Lapschies and Thomas Preisler will present the AI-PowerMatch project together with the Stadtwerke Lübeck Gruppe (Felix Schulz von Thun) at “The Future Conference”. The AI-PowerMatch project combines the strengths of local players such as regional power supplier with innovative start-up approaches in the field of renewable energy generation […]

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