Neues Förderprojekt gestartet: AI-PowerMatch

Das Projekt AI-PowerMatch verbindet die Stärken lokaler Akteure, wie die regionale Stromversorgung mit innovativen Start-up Ansätzen im Bereich der Prognose von EE-Erzeugung und des Managements von E-Flotten, um gemeinsam eine zentrale Herausforderung der Energiewende gemeinsam zu lösen: Die effiziente Nutzung von Erzeugungs- und Netzkapazitäten im Stromnetz. Durch politische Unterstützung und gesellschaftlichen Wunsch werden eine große […]

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The Future Conference in Lübeck

Together with our #partners, Myrna Herres, Hauke Lapschies and Thomas Preisler will present the AI-PowerMatch project together with the Stadtwerke Lübeck Gruppe (Felix Schulz von Thun) at “The Future Conference”. The AI-PowerMatch project combines the strengths of local players such as regional power supplier with innovative start-up approaches in the field of renewable energy generation […]

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StartUp Summit SH 2022

StartUp SH Summit – on November 14, we will focus on „Digital solutions for the energy transition – how startups contribute to it“. With their innovative products and services, startups make a significant contribution to translating Schleswig-Holstein’s pioneering role in the energy transition into value creation and jobs in the state. We discuss with start-ups […]

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The energy transition needs more power

Due to the strong increase in demand for renewable energy, more challenges are arising. In order to be able to solve them in a targeted manner, NAECO Blue has also expanded its team. In cooperation with PIEAS (Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Science) and Dr. Muhammad Abid, University of Applied Science Nordhausen, Hannan Nassem, […]

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AI Startup Landscape 2022

by UnternehmerTUM. Proud to be one of the 304 most promising AI-Start Ups in Germany! The 304 most promising German AI startups working across enterprise functions, enterprise intelligence, technology type and industries. In order to highlight AI startups in Germany, drive AI adoption and create more partnership opportunities between startups and corporations appliedAI has launched […]

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3rd AI-Conference Lübeck

The 3rd AI-Conference is happening at Media Docks in Lübeck. The possibility of value creation through AI applications is bigger than ever: especially in the field of energy, maritime technology, agriculture, medicine and many more. „Schleswig-Holstein is becoming a lighthouse when it comes to AI topics“ secretary of state Dirk Schrödter put it in a […]

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Data4Grid – Consumption forecast

We are happy to announce than we have been selected for the Data4Grid challenge. In this challenge we will build a MVP for AI-Forecasts of consumption in the grid with Smart-Meter Data. Thanks to the Umlaut team with Antonia Heinemann for this opportunity. #ai #challenge #forecasting #renewableenergy #smartcity #smartgrid #smartmetering umlaut company Future Energy Lab […]

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